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The Spa Guide – Blog 05 – Lava Shell Relax

Stephanie Annis-Tate

Hello everyone, so in this blog I would like to introduce to you the heated Lava Shell Relax Treatments. I offer this treatment in three variations:

  • Lava Shell Relax Full Body - 60 min £65

  • Lava Shell Tropical Twist - 45 min £50

  • Lava Shell Back Neck & Shoulder - 30 min £40*

All of these treatment routines are designed to give you a wonderfully relaxed outcome. The shells glide over your muscles instantly soothing and melting away tension. I use specific massage techniques working on pressure points and tension areas to ease stress and stiffness. All of my treatments can be tailored to suit your individual needs, my focus is to give you an amazing Lava Shell experience and deliver an intense and powerful massage which in turn will enhance your wellbeing.

What will a heated treatment do?

The application of a hot Lava Shell will act to dilate blood vessels therefore increasing blood flow. Increased blood supply will bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to the area and assist in the removal of waste products. The application of heat to the body’s muscles enables muscle relaxation and will aid pain relief.

Lava Shell increases the effects of massage by 10 fold, expect to feel deeply relaxed following one of my treatments.

Lava Shell Rescue hot & cold

Physiological Effects of warming the body’s tissue;

  • Increases local metabolism – the amount of oxygen / nutrients is improved helping remove dead cells and to increase the growth of new cells

  • Vasodialation – the dialation of superficial blood vessels increase heart rate and the blood pressure will fall. Also causes erythema on the skin, improving skin colour and condition

  • Soothes and sedates sensory nerve endings – which will relieve pain

  • Increased flexibility of connective tissues – the range of movement of ligaments and tendons will improve

  • Stimulates sweat glands – resulting in elimination of toxins from the body.

The heat of the shells can vary depending on the treatment and different blends used. The high heat which is used in the full body treatment the temperatures range is between 38 – 49◦C, Ideal for continuous use across large areas of the body and deep therapeutic work. The high heat is my favourite to work with, it heats up quickly and working with three shells which are all activated at different stages throughout the routine allows me to deliver a seamless massage of heat and touch. This is one of the benefits to the heated Lava Shell, this type of therapy reduces stress, improves circulation, improves skin appearance, reduces tight tense muscles and promotes extreme relaxation.

New to Lava? My treatment recommendations would be:

FIX IT PROGRAMME – to change the constitution of the body (organ function, energy and vitality also to work on an emotional level) once a week for 3 weeks.

MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME – every 3 weeks – for women this ensures that each treatment corresponds to a different week in their monthly cycle aiming to balance the hormones.

DE-STRESS – benefit from this treatment at any time, perfect to give as a gift!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading more info on this fabulous therapy, in my next blog I shall chat about the New Lava Shell Rescue Treatment which is a deep tissue treatment incorporating hot and cold shells 😊

Until next time share the Lava Love from Stephanie your Lava Angel x

*June only fantastic 50% of this treatment limited spaces available call the salon on 01527 852444.

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